Android studio icon key
Android studio icon key

android studio icon key


This is used for any resource root, although Android treats these differently during compilation and loading.Īnd while on that topic, test resources have their own icon as well: Speaking of resources and assets, that brings us to the next icon: Note that it's not only used in source sets, it's also used under resources and assets. Generated sources have a separate icon too, with a gear-like icon in the bottom right corner: It doesn't always pick up on stuff like that. They're also not linked to anything in the IDE, but they may still have relevance depending on your build system. They may contain assets or resources, but aren't considered anything special. The main difference between this and a regular Android module is that it applies the Gradle plugin, compared to the regular you find in the regular Android modules.Īnd these are just folders. The bar chart folder is an Android library module (note that this isn't the same as a regular Android module): Test roots have green folders (+ a green background): In the Android view, the manifest folder is considered a source root. In the project view, you typically find java, alternatively with other languages if you separate it like that: There's also some folders with the color blue. This can denote either a Java module, or the root for an Android project (because in that regard, the Android projects are considered Java projects too). This doesn't break anything though, but it's a good idea remembering this isn't always accurate. In a recent module build on the test project, that the library module was unregistered, and the Android module was marked a Java module. Failed compiling may result in AS/IntelliJ interpreting the folders differently, or even unregister source sets.Īdditionally, it's worth noting that failed builds or re-building can, in some cases, change the folder icon to an incorrect (although related) one. Additionally, for the folder icons to be visible, the project needs to be successfully compiled.

android studio icon key

In addition, there's file type, but those are out of the scope. test resources have a different icon from non-test resources) Source set (sources and tests) or hierarchical parent (I.e.Important factorsīefore I get started on the list itself, there are a few different factors that determine the icon: To start off, the exact colors depends on the color scheme, and in some cases plugins (there are a few plugins, for an instance the Material plugin, that entirely re-do the folders) that change these, but I'll be using a non-standard theme with the standard icons (TL DR: different colors, same icons). See this answer for VCS color meanings.īecause you're asking about folders in general in one part, icons in another, then two specifically in the last, I'm going to cover the various folder-based ones. Beyond this, there's also the text color, but it's mainly used for VCS and is beyond the scope of the question. There's two components to the tree: The background color/folder color, and additional icons. So now in your activity add image view like this Īnd if you want to add click action on this you have to use intent something like this, my view id is btn_search so at the first i have to find it like this and then set onclick listener for it like below ImageView btnSearch= (ImageView) findViewById( ītOnClickListener(new View.On the new Android Studio 3.3 some icons have change and I'm looking to understand what each one of the mean.įor example in this picture I have two modules inside my project, but one have a green dot and the other this bar chart.


In drawer folder create circle_background.xml and put this code to it :

Android studio icon key